2 People and Places

The data collected for the exhibition lists dates of birth and death and places of employment of the Jewish mathematicians who were professionally active in the German-speaking world between 1830 and 1935. The list includes all mathematicians who worked at mathematical institutes as professors or "Privatdozenten" (scholars who had obtained a habilitation, i.e. a formal qualification for lecturing at universities). Moreover, it includes all lecturers and independent researchers without habilitation about whom information was available. It does not include scholars who worked in the private sector, or university assistants.

The maps provide an overview of the way in which the presence of Jewish mathematicians in the German higher education landscape evolved over the period under examination here: once Jews had been granted legal equality, the number of Jewish mathematicians increased steadily, as did the number of universities that were prepared to hire Jews. In a few universities, there were Jewish mathematicians in all generations, while other institutions employed only very few Jews, and only occasionally. According to available information, there were no Jewish mathematicians in the times covered by the exhibition at universities that are not named in the maps.